UX Design Projects

  • Tallgrass Burger - Case Study

    An East Village, NYC burger joint seeks to renovate its brick and mortar store and improve its web offering, to draw in more customers. Read about the methods used to improve the Tallgrass Burger web experience.

  • Voting Warriors - Case Study

    Empathy, compassion, courage, strength, hope, love; these are just some of the traits one must have to envision a better tomorrow. Encouraging the younger generations to vote for equity in our systems today, can cause positive ripple effects that manifest that equity for future generations of tomorrow.

  • Soulection App - Case Study

    As a long-time SOULECTION supporter, this idea envisioned an all-encompassing app experience as a way to pre-order new albums. In no affiliation with SOULECTION, this project serves as a way of paying homage to the group and to demonstrate comprehension of UX Design concepts.

  • Lafayette Theater - Website Refresh

    Save small businesses (and bring back the theater)! Some normality returns as we watch movies together in enclosed places again. This single-screen, historic theater in Upstate, NY deserves to survive and a website revamp to increase ticket sales might just be the, well….the ticket!